
‘Shameful’: CNN’s Sally Kohn Gets Triggered Over Tax Cuts [VIDEO]

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Justin Caruso Contributor
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CNN commentator Sally Kohn called the Republican plan to cut taxes “shameful” Friday.


Kohn, appearing on a panel with Rick Santorum on “CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin,” said, “Listen, the senator can’t exactly deflect his long-standing and the Republicans’ long-standing critique of deficits by pointing to the fact that Democrats have supported deficit spending.” (RELATED: CNN’s Sally Kohn: We Need ‘Extreme Vetting’ For ‘Toxic Masculinity’)

She added, “I support deficit spending when the economy is weak and we use it to create infrastructure, support people who are struggling, support people who are on unemployment. This is you violating your own believes and values, supposedly, not to help poor people or the working class, but to give money to big business and the super rich. And according to you, according to your own rhetoric, pass all that debt onto our kids and our grand kids. That–that’s just–that’s just shameful.” (RELATED: CNN’s Sally Kohn Gets Triggered When Panelist Brings Up Bill Clinton Allegations [VIDEO])

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