
Charles Barkley Has Some Takes About Tax Reform

(Getty Images/Al Bello)

Matt Candler Contributor
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“They say [the money] it’s gonna trickle down. I’m gonna trickle my fat ass down to the jewelry store and get me a new Rolex!”
That was Charles Barkley’s take on the first major tax reform this country have seen in over three decades.
Speaking on the set of Inside The NBA Thursday night, the 1993 NBA MVP went full on CNN mode, bashing the tax plan — saying it isn’t beneficial to those in poverty.

“Thank you Republicans, I know I can always count on you to take care of us rich people, us one-percenters. Sorry poor people, I’m hoping for y’all, but y’all ain’t got no chance”, said the 54-year-old.

Charles Barkley is the latest liberal parrot to push rhetoric that conservatives are a compassionless class of privileged people.

For someone who wants to appear as a Democrat full of great ideas to help the impoverished in the United States, bragging about buying another Rolex watch — thanks to the tax break he supposedly hates — is the ultimate combination of contradiction and idiocy.

Many American companies have already told their employees that as a result of the tax reform, major bonus checks and pay raises are coming their way. And, just to clarify, it’s not just the “rednecks” (the term he used to call the Alabama voter base during the recent circus of a Senate race) or the so-called “privilege” that immediately benefited from those bonus checks and raises. All people do — regardless of political leaning, race, ethnicity, gender, or religious belief.
Barkley is probably just jealous of President Trump’s victory.

In Charles Barkely’s 16-year NBA career, he never won a championship.