
White House Doctor: Trump In Good Health Thanks To ‘Incredibly Good Genes’

Benny Johnson Columnist, Viral Politics
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Presidential physician Dr. Ronny Jackson told the press that he is in “excellent health” despite not exercising because he has “incredibly good genes.”

Jackson answered a battery of questions Tuesday about the president’s health after examining him Friday at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland.

ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl asked Jackson, “Can you explain to me how a guy who eats McDonald’s and fried chicken and all the Diet Cokes and who never exercises is in as good of shape as you say he’s in?”

The doctor’s blunt answer to the question stunned the reporters in the room: “It’s called genetics. Some people have great genes.”

The rest of his answer is worth printing in full:

“I told the president if he had a healthier diet over the last 20 years, he might live to be 200 years old. I mean, he has incredible — he has incredible genes. If I didn’t watch what I ate, I wouldn’t have the cardiac and overall health that he has.

So he’s very healthy despite those things, and I don’t think that he does that any more. I mean, you know, he’s in the White House now. He’s eating what they’re — what the chefs are cooking for him now, and they’re cooking a much healthier diet for him now. We’re going to continue to work on that, make that even healthier. I would say the answer to your question is he has incredibly good genes, and it’s the way God made him.”

There you go.

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Benny Johnson