Democrats and media members are worried that President Trump’s proposed military parade reeks of dictatorial countries like North Korea.
Trump proposed the parade as a way to pay tribute to our military, but some in the media have claimed he is doing it to satisfy his own authoritarian desires.
“This is Soviet Union and North Korea, isn’t it?” MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough asked his cohost Mika Brzezinski Wednesday morning.
“Something like that,” Brzezinski confirmed.
“This is very autocratic and who would ever guess this president is prone to autocratic tendencies?” Scarborough added sarcastically.
CNN’s Chris Cuomo similarly said it was something “you usually see in North Korea.”
Democratic lawmakers expressed similar concerns. Rep. Jackie Speier saying, “it is all about authoritarian regimes, frankly.”
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse claimed he thinks “a lot of the world remembers the Soviet May Day parades and they still see North Korean military parades.”
I support the First Amendment right for Nazis, people dressed up as vaginas, and all other sorts of paraders to march and put their speech out. What I don’t support is the bajillions of tax dollars necessary for a Washington military parade – redolent of those in dictatorships.
— Amy Alkon (@amyalkon) February 7, 2018
New from @EleanorNorton: “Trump’s desire to spend millions of taxpayer dollars on a military parade in the style of authoritarian leaders he admires would feed his ego and perhaps his base, rather than serve any legitimate purpose or keep with any long-held American traditions”
— Benjamin Freed (@brfreed) February 7, 2018
How a US military parade would compare to North Korea’s, Russia’s, or China’s
— Business Insider (@businessinsider) February 7, 2018
I want to hear from veterans on this one. President Trump told the Pentagon he wants a military parade with tanks to show off America’s strength. Something you normally see in China, North Korea. Is this something you approve?
— Matt Maisel (@Matt_Maisel) February 7, 2018
I kept seeing mentions today of a military parade. I assumed it meant North Korea was grandstanding before the opening of the Olympics. Turns out I was very, very off.
— Kelly Jane Torrance (@KJTorrance) February 7, 2018