
Pro-Trump Super PAC Releases Ad Blasting Liberals’ ‘Anti-Gun Agenda’ [VIDEO]

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Great America PAC, a pro-Trump super PAC, is pushing out a new ad on Thursday blasting liberals and media outlets the group says are exploiting tragedy to push an “anti-gun agenda.”

“I’m here to let you know I’m not going to let them take our guns,” gun rights activist Antonia Okafor states in the ad. “Liberals and the biased media never miss an opportunity to exploit a tragedy to push their anti-gun agenda.”

“We’ve seen it all week with the horrific school shooting in Florida, but here’s the thing they refuse to admit: they know gun control isn’t going to stop bad guys from doing bad things. The only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy, or girl, with a gun.”


The ad comes as the Trump administration weighs different options to reduce gun violence in schools.

President Trump suggested during a “listening session” on Wednesday that having more armed teachers in schools could be an effective deterrent.