Fox News’ Tucker Carlson questioned on Friday the double standard of CNN “questioning the integrity of a survivor” after the network leaked emails between Colton Haab and a network producer.
Tucker had Parkland shooting survivor Colton Haab on his show Thursday night to discuss how CNN may have scripted questions for an upcoming town hall event.
Haab told Carlson, “They had taken what I had wrote and what I had briefed on and talked about and they actually wrote the question for me.”
He also said, “Originally I had thought that it was going to be more of my own question and my own say and then it turned out to be more of just a script. And she [the CNN producer] had actually said that over the phone I needed to stick to the script.” (RELATED: Tucker Interviews Shooting Survivor Over CNN Scripting Questions)
On Friday, The Washington Post’s Erik Wemple (who has his own history with Tucker) published emails between a producer and Haab’s father. Apparently, a doctored version of the email communications was being shopped around to media outlets, causing further confusion.
The Daily Caller co-founder responded to that on his Friday show, saying, “Almost immediately after the show, CNN responded by claiming that Colton Haab is lying, even altering evidence. Tonight, CNN executives leaked an authorized release of what they claim are Colton’s personal emails. They are trying to claim that he or his family altered evidence of his exchange with a CNN producer.”
“All of this surprised us because, as you will remember, it was just a few days ago that CNN was declaring that anyone who questioned the integrity of Parkland survivors–and Colton Haab is one of them–is a monster guilty of the most severe kind of moral crime.”
“And yet, CNN is doing the very same thing right now, questioning the integrity of a survivor because it suits them. So there is some irony there. But there is also the large and we think more important question of what’s actually true. This is journalism. We don’t know what’s actually true. So, we’re going to do our best to find out and we will tell you if we do.”