EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Here Are The Details Of The 8 Border Wall Prototypes

Fox News

Amber Athey Podcast Columnist
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President Donald Trump visited California on Tuesday to view eight border wall prototypes, and The Daily Caller is here with all of the prototype details.


TheDC’s Vince Coglianese sat down to explain all of the requirements for the proposed border wall and sifted through the differences between all eight prototypes.

Just some of the wall requirements include an ideal height of 30 feet, visual appeal, cost-effectivness and near-impenetrability.

The eight prototypes come from mostly American companies, such as Fisher Sand and Gravel Company in Tempe, Arizona, and KWR construction out of Sierra Vista, Arizona. The companies all put their own twist on the wall, with some opting for sloped walls to make climbing more difficult and others offering see-through walls so border agents can see what lies on the other side.

The full details of all of the prototypes can be viewed in the video above.

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