
Somebody Is Finally Is Speaking Up For Attractive People: It’s Time To Stop The Hate

Model (Credit: Shutterstock)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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A new column for The Cut is explaining the hardships beautiful people face, and it’s about time somebody started paying attention.

An unidentified “woman in her late 50s” told author Alexa Tsoulis-Reay the troubles and adversity gorgeous people are forced to face in this life.

She stated in part:

One of the worst things about being beautiful is that other women absolutely despise you. Women have made me cry my whole life. When I try to make friends with a woman, I feel like I’m a guy trying to woo her. Women don’t trust me. They don’t want me around their husbands. I’m often excluded from parties, with no explanation. I imagine their thought process goes something like this: “What does it matter if I hurt her feelings. She has her looks and that’s more than I have. Life has already played favorites …” It’s kind of like being born rich, people don’t believe that you feel the same pain. It’s a bias that people can’t shake.

I’m glad somebody is finally taking a stand for all of us good looking people out here. When I first read this article, I honestly thought maybe I wrote it during a blackout.

Look, you all probably think waking up, looking in the mirror and seeing a stunning face staring back is easy. You probably think everything we have was just handed to us because some of us have crystal blue eyes and rugged facial hair. Well, I have news for you. Life is a struggle when you’re gorgeous. It just is.

Now, I could assume that women won’t talk to me at the bars for a variety of different reasons. That would seem logical by the standards of non-attractive people. However, I prefer to imagine that women shoot me down because my good looks are so overwhelming that they don’t know how to handle it. After all, I’m sure Matthew McConaughey even struck out once in his life. It happens to those of us who are faces of a nation.

What’s that old saying? I think it’s something along the lines of “Men want to be him and women want to be with him.” This is the curse that I’ve brought upon myself thanks to my unbelievable DNA, Mountain Dew addiction, Miller Lite enjoyment, love of red meat and refusal to exercise.

Being a good looking person is a burden that some of us will have to carry forever. I simply ask that you all, in the spirit of this outstanding article from The Cut, take some time to be a little more understanding of our plight. We would never wish this life on any of the less attractive people.

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David Hookstead

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