
The Atlantic Fires Just-Hired Conservative Writer — Media World Reacts

Kevin Williamson MSNBC National Review Youtube screenshot

Justin Caruso Contributor
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Well, that didn’t last long.

Conservative writer Kevin D. Williamson, formerly of National Review, has been let go by The Atlantic after just one article.

Feminist pundit Jessica Valenti tweeted Thursday:

Williamson is a conservative who was strongly against Donald Trump’s campaign in the 2016 primaries and has continued to be a critic since Trump took office. He was hired by The Atlantic, a center-left publication, to write about politics.

His hiring was controversial among many on the left due to Williamson’s strong anti-abortion stance. In a tweet from years ago, Williamson said that women getting abortions should be treated like murderers. “I believe that the law should treat abortion like any other homicide,” he tweeted, also suggesting “hanging” as a punishment.

Many media figures reacted to the news on Twitter:

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