
Fox News Has Beat CNN And MSNBC In Ratings Every Single Week In 2018

Left: REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton Right: Edward M. PIO RODA/AFP/Getty Images

Justin Caruso Contributor
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A new report indicates that Fox News Channel is walloping competitor cable news networks CNN and MSNBC in the ratings department.

AdWeek reports that Fox News Channel, “was the most-watched network on basic cable network in total day for the 13th straight week, and the only network to average more than 1 million viewers in the daypart.”

The report also indicates that Fox News has been solidly beating MSNBC and CNN in the ratings.

Fox News host Sean Hannity is seen in the White House briefing room in Washington, DC, on January 24, 2017. / AFP / NICHOLAS KAMM (Photo credit should read NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images)

Left-leaning MSNBC has had a fairly good ratings year so far as many viewers flock to programs like “The Rachel Maddow Show” and “Hardball with Chris Matthews.”

CNN, however, didn’t even break the top five for basic cable last week. (RELATED: 2018’s 1st Quarter Ratings Are In — CNN Is Getting DESTROYED By Other News Networks)

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