Wild Turkey released a new Matthew McConaughey commercial, and he’s still at the top of his game.
I love McConaughey commercials. Can’t get enough of them. He’s somehow managed to make commercials more entertaining than movies.
The new commercial is for some new kind of alcohol called Longbranch. That’s not really the important pare here. He could be selling pillows, and I’d still watch these commercials.
How did Matthew McConaughey get so cool, and the rest of us just aren’t? I legit find it hard to believe we’re both American guys. He’s out here making the coolest movies and commercials on the planet, and I’m struggling to get a woman to talk me at the bar. It’s a cruel reality that we find ourselves living in.
If a movie is ever made about my life, which seems like a certainty, I need McConaughey to play me. I don’t care about anything else. The movie could make no money at the box office, but I’ll be as happy as can be if McConaughey rocks my world famous facial hair on the big screen.
Maybe Wild Turkey can step up and get the job done.