
Karem, Lemon Suggest Being A Journalist Is More Dangerous Than Being In A War Zone

Julia Nista General Assignment Reporter
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CNN Contributor and White House correspondent for Playboy Brian Karem and CNN Tonight host Don Lemon suggested on Thursday that being a journalist is more dangerous than being in a war zone.



“Well, it shows you the dangers of this job,” Lemon began.

“So many people throw out terms about journalists and say really derogatory things about journalists, but our jobs are very dangerous and many times we go into a war zone,” Lemon continued. “This turned into a war zone today without anyone having to go overseas and put on flak jackets.”

Karem then chimed in, “I’ve served in a war zone and it didn’t feel like this. I got a couple of of threats today after the shooting. People saying I don’t deserve to breathe air and that — why am I alive.”

He continued, “And they send it to our newspaper and they send them to other newspapers. And that’s the new reality in which we live.”

Karem then compared journalism in the United States to “the ranks of Russia and third world nations where reporters lives aren’t safe.”

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