Philippe Reines, senior advisor to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, tweeted a snide remark aimed at Trump voters and Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz on Monday.
Responding to Dershowitz’s recent claims that his liberal friends on Martha’s Vineyard had begun to cut him from their social lives, Reines attacked the longtime liberal Democrat for his defense of President Donald Trump.
.@AlanDersh I’m sorry you’re being shunned by your soy-loving Vineyard neighbors. Screw them. Summer somewhere in the heart of like-minded Trumpland. I bet they’d welcome you, your menorah and your mezuzah with open arms, and have you over to their double-wide for shabbat dinner.
— Philippe Reines (@PhilippeReines) July 3, 2018
Reines appeared to suggest that Dershowitz was a victim of his own poor judgment in defending the president — which led his own party to “shun” him.
He went on to sarcastically imply that because “Trumpland” was entirely peopled by anti-Semites who lived in trailers, Dershowitz might not have much luck there either. “I bet they’d welcome you, your menorah and your mezuzah with open arms, and have you over to their double-wide for shabbat dinner,” he tweeted.