CNN host Brian Stelter devoted a segment on his show Sunday to the “weird” relationship between Fox News host Sean Hannity and President Donald Trump — and the close relationship Trump appears to have with the network as a whole.
“This is new. And it’s weird,” Stelter claimed.
“No TV host has ever had this kind of relationship with a US president before … Sure, Obama had big fans on MSNBC, but … no one ever thought Keith Olbermann was Obama’s ‘shadow Chief of Staff'”: @BrianStelter on the relationship between Trump and Fox’s Hannity
— Reliable Sources (@ReliableSources) July 8, 2018
Noting that Obama certainly had “big fans on MSNBC,” the host of “Reliable Sources” asserted that it was nothing like the close ties Fox News — and particularly host Sean Hannity — enjoys with the Trump administration.
When Hannity’s off the air, he gossips with Trump and gives advice on who to hire — so let’s just underscore how weird this is.
No TV host has ever had this kind of relationship with a U.S. President before. And to take it a step further, no network has ever propped up a president quite like this before.
“This is new. And it’s weird. And we shouldn’t get used to it,” Stelter continued, adding, “There’s been almost a merger between a culture war TV station and a culture war president.” (RELATED: Brian Stelter Admits That He Let David Hogg Lie On Air Without Correcting Him)
Stelter did note that Trump’s relationship with Fox News began long before he ever announced his intent to seek the Republican nomination, when he did weekly appearances on “Fox & Friends.”