
Trump Pauses Press Conference On Booming Economy To ‘Pay Tribute’ To Something More Important


Benny Johnson Columnist, Viral Politics
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President Trump held a press conference at the White House Friday morning to announce the administration’s accomplishments on the economy.

The U.S. economy grew to an astonishing rate of 4.1 percent this quarter. Trump touted the strong numbers before taking a moment to pivot to a more solemn topic.

The president and his administration have been in negotiations with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un over the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. At the much-anticipated summit between Trump and Kim last month, the president was able to arrange the return of American military remains which have been in the possession of the North Koreans since the Korean War armistice.

Trump paused near the end of the press conference and said, “There is another matter that is of profound importance to me and I wish to discuss it right now before we leave.”

“At this moment, a plane is carrying the remains of some great fallen heroes from America, back from the Korean War, coming back to the United States,” Trump said.

Mike Pence, our wonderful vice president, will be there to greet the families and the remains and I want to thank chairman Kim for keeping his word. We have many others coming, but I want to thank chairman Kim in front of the media for fulfilling a promise he made to me and I’m sure that he will continue to fulfill that promises.”

These incredible American heroes will soon lay at rest on sacred American soil,” Trump continued. “So, we honor the sacred memory of every incredible American patriot who fought and died in that war. Everything we do and every action we take, we are fighting for loyal, hard-working, patriotic citizens of our blessed nation.”

“We’re making our country great again,” Trump concluded.