Progressive Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau just doesn’t excite movie star and liberal political activist Jane Fonda any more. When asked “as an activist,” how she rates Trudeau, Fonda revealed her deep disenchantment to Macleans.
“I am so disappointed with your prime minister. Don’t trust good-lookin’ liberals. I don’t believe a word he says anymore. He became the hero at the Paris climate summit and then he’s letting the Alberta tar sands pump across and down to Vancouver. Owh!”
Fonda was referring to Trudeau’s decision for the federal government to nationalize the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline that is being constructed to transport Alberta crude oil from Edmonton to Vancouver for shipment to overaseas markets.
The actress gave the interview as part of her promotion of the upcoming HBO documentary “Jane Fonda in Five Acts.”
Fonda came to Canada in 2017 to lead a one-woman protest against the Alberta oil sands, a rich deposit of petroleum that remains the target of environmentalist.
She managed to please no one with her visit, as she was perceived by both sides of the political spectrum as an interfering, privileged American.
Even at the time, Trudeau’s charm was wearing thin for Fonda.
“When I heard that your prime minister, the shining hope at the … Paris climate talks, who talked so beautifully about needing to meet the requirements of the climate treaty, and respect and hold to the treaties with the Indigenous people, and so forth — such a heroic stance he took there,” Fonda said. “And yet he has betrayed every one of the things that he committed to in Paris.”