
Over 100 News Outlets Reportedly Agree To Publish Anti-Trump Editorials

Mike Brest Reporter
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Over 100 news organizations have reportedly agreed to publish anti-Trump editorials in response to the president’s rhetoric about the media.

The Boston Globe last week asked news organizations to publish editorials condemning the president’s attitude towards the press.

“We have more than 100 publications signed up, and I expect that number to grow in the coming days,” Marjorie Pritchard, the Globe’s deputy editorial editor, told CNN.

“The response has been overwhelming,” she continued. “We have some big newspapers, but the majority are from smaller markets, all enthusiastic about standing up to Trump’s assault on journalism.” (RELATED: Boston Globe Calls For All Media Outlets To Publish Anti-Trump Editorials Next Week)

According to the Globe, each outlet will write their own editorial, however they will all have the same message: “The dirty war on the free press must end.”

The movement comes as the president continues to call out specific news organizations for their coverage of him, including newspapers like the Washington Post and the New York Times, and television stations like CNN and MSNBC. (RELATED: Trump Labels MSNBC ‘The Worst’ Of The Fake News: ‘So Corrupt’)

The editorials are scheduled to be published next Thursday, Aug. 16.

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