
Sen. Dianne Feinstein Honors ‘Donald McCain’ On MSNBC


Amber Athey Podcast Columnist
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California Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein must have had President Donald Trump on the brain when she was giving a tribute to the late Senator John McCain on MSNBC Wednesday.


Sen. Feinstein was remembering McCain and how he was a driving force in the Senate and in the Republican Party when she accidentally gifted him with a new first name — “Donald.”

“He could have very sobering outbursts, but when the chips were down, Donald McCain was there,” Feinstein said. “And he was there with heart and muscle, and it made a difference.”

“It makes a difference in the Senate, and I know it made a difference in the Republican Party,” she added.

Feinstein went back to correctly calling the late Senator “John” on her next reference, but did not seem to notice that she had mistakenly called him “Donald” and made no attempt to correct herself.

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