On today’s Daily Daily Caller Podcast, we call out the Democrats for what they created Tuesday at the confirmation hearing for Judge Brett Kavanaugh in the Senate — a complete s*!t show.
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It took just seven seconds for Democrats to start throwing a temper tantrum at the hearing, with California liberal Kamala Harris complaining they didn’t have enough time to review Kavanaugh’s documents, even though they have large committee and personal staffs that could have easily sifted through them in time.
One after the other, Democrats insisted the hearing be postponed so they could study the documents from a man they’ve all already publicly stated they are going to vote against. It was a Hell of a show for the cameras.
Throughout the hearing, militant mutant leftists took turns screaming from the crowd, all part of the plan Democrats hatched over the weekend to disrupt the opening statements in the hope of slowing or delaying the process. It, thankfully, didn’t work.
In a side show bit of political theater, the father of a Parkland shooting victim, attending as a guest of California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, approached Kavanaugh at the start of the lunch break in an attempted publicity stunt. Kavanaugh was whisked away by security due to the hostile crowd, which forced his children to leave the room earlier. The father, a man named Fred Guttenberg, saw his mission accomplished as he was booked on CNN and MSNBC almost immediately. The fact that his claim of Kavanaugh having any idea who he was and that he recoiled from the attempted handshake didn’t matter to these “journalists.” Liberals circulated the still photo of the encounter because the video exposed it as a fraud. Chuck Todd, who just yesterday penned an op-ed blaming Fox News for the public’s distrust of journalism, was unavailable for comment.
Still, the peak stupid was the liberal conspiracy theory that the woman sitting behind Kavanaugh at the hearing wasn’t itching her arm or simply resting her hand, but was secretly flashing a racist hand signal to the world. A lot of leftists really believed this woman was a white supremacist plant. Well, they did till it was discovered she her mother is Mexican and her father is Jewish, and his family barely escaped the Holocaust. Still, leftists never let the truth stand in the way of a good story.
We dissect it all and brutally mock every one of these liberal hypocrites on the show today.
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The Daily Daily Caller Podcast is a daily look and mocking of the news from a conservative perspective. Hosted by Derek Hunter, it is available in audio form Monday-Thursday and will have a video option on Fridays.
Derek Hunter is a columnist and contributing editor for The Daily Caller and author of “Outrage, INC: How the Liberal Mob Ruined Science, Journalism, and Hollywood” from HarperCollins, available now. Pick Up a copy, or several copies, here. Send compliments and complaints to derek@dailycaller.com or follow him on Twitter at @derekahunter.