The Mirror

Morning Mirror: Megyn Kelly Gets Dinged For Saying Something Reasonable

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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Quote of the Day:

“I don’t have enough familiarity with video game characters to be as amused by this as I want to be, but good to have confirmation that the president has a weird dick.”

Eve Peyser, political reporter, VICE News.

Conservative journalist says he was sexually abused in high school. But he wouldn’t mind if his bullies made it to the Supreme Court. 

“In high school, I was physically bullied by 17 y.o. boys, in a sexually humiliating way (but not sex). It affected the direction of my life. They never apologized. Still, I wouldn’t hold that against them if they were nominated for the Court. They were boys.” — Rod Dreher, writer, The American Conservative.

Ken Starr’s advice for Senate and Kavanaugh: Proceed. 

“Just now on my radio show—Judge Ken Starr said that he would strongly advise the Senate to proceed with the Kavanaugh vote. He first met Brett in 1994.”


“Every so often, I remember, with a little flash of shock and then gloom, that Bill Shine is the White House Communications Director.” — Ben Wikler, Washington Director, MoveOn.

The Observer

“Why wouldn’t Democrats listen to Kavanaugh? This is getting ridiculous. You can’t just accuse him of something horrific and then refuse to listen to him and say it’s ‘too soon’ to hear from the accuser too.” — Jason Howerton, CRTV.

Political reporter wants a giant cinnamon roll

“I want a cinnamon roll the size of a fully grown badger.” — Libby Watson, politics reporter, Splinter News.’

Journo urges drugs to deal with reality 

“2018 tip: Keep lorazepam in every room, you never know when you might need it.” — S.E. Smith, freelancer, Bitch Media, Guardian, Rolling Stone.

WaPo snags Boston Globe Deputy D.C. Bureau Chief 

“So thrilled to announce that @mviser [Matt Viser] is joining The Washington Post as a national politics reporter — making the best team covering politics even better.” — Peter Wallsten, WaPo senior politics editor.

Sam Stein should be crass if he uses the word ‘crass’ 

“To be utterly crass about the politics of this, why wouldn’t GOP want to find another nominee anyway? He’s toxic now electorally.” — The Daily Beast‘s Sam Stein.

Breitbart reporter doesn’t trust Jack Dorsey 

“Hell,  @jack I don’t even work for you and I don’t feel ‘safe’ to express conservative opinions on your platform without facing some covert blocking or check mark loss.” — Breitbart News‘s Texas Bureau Chief Brandon Darby in response to a story stating that Twitter founder Jack Dorsey is aware that “conservative employees don’t feel safe to express their opinions.” Here.

MSNBC eyes gender discrepancy in Kavanaugh hearing 

“I have heard at least two people on MSNBC today make note that white Republican men are going to look bad asking questions of Ford.” — David Rutz, Washington Free Beacon.

Erick Erickson gets emotional about ‘hateful’ people 

“Y’all, I’ve set my mentions to only see notifications from people I follow who also follow me. I have no desire to see the hateful tweets from people who’ve judged a man guilty based on a single 35 year old accusation because they want to keep killing kids.” — Erick EricksonThe Resurgent.

Been sexually assaulted? Raise your hand. 

“RT if you were sexually assaulted in high school or college and were too afraid to report it at the time.” — Jennifer Hayden, trending news manager, DailyKos.


NBC’s Megyn Kelly gets bashed for being reasonable 

NBC “TODAY” Show host Megyn Kelly makes a lot of sense about Judge Kavanaugh being accused of sexual assault when he was 17 and gets accused of being so “Fox News.”

The Daily Beast headline: “Megyn Kelly Tries to Poke Holes in Kavanaugh Accuser’s Story: Maybe She Has an ‘Axe to Grind’”

Self-described “branding guy” Oliver Griswold cracked, “You can take the woman out of Fox News, but…”