Newsweek writer Nina Burleigh claimed Saturday that almost every person she has heard of who owns an AR-15 rifle “has been a mass murderer.”
And “based on Twitter sample the rest of them are scarily paranoid,” Burleigh tweeted.
“Get on the right side of history,” she urged, tagging NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch and right-wing personality Joe Biggs, who are both outspoken supporters of the Second Amendment.
Almost every single person I’ve ever heard of with an AR-15 has been a mass murderer. Based on Twitter sample the rest of them are scarily paranoid. Get on the right side of history @DLoesch @Rambobiggs #gunsense
— Nina Burleigh (@ninaburleigh) November 17, 2018
AR-15 rifles were used in the Newtown school shooting, the Orlando nightclub shooting, the Aurora, Colorado shooting at a movie theater, and other mass shootings. An estimated 8 million to 15 million people own AR-15s, making it the most popular rifle in America.
Burleigh’s tweet prompted scores of responses from people pointing out the popularity of the AR-15 and suggesting the Newsweek writer lives in a “bubble.”
The weirdest thing about gun grabbers is how open and proud they are of being as uninformed and ignorant as possible on the subjects of which they want to be seen as a voice of reason and authority
— Okubo the Cat (@Captain_Trips27) November 18, 2018
This person writes for Newsweek lol
— Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) November 18, 2018
She’s a reporter for Newsweek, she lives in New York City, and over the weekend she said: “Almost everyone I’ve ever heard of who owns an AR-15 is a mass murderer.”
The Left & guns: Completely ignorant. Utterly disconnected from reality.
— Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) November 19, 2018
“Your reminder that the Left has a culture of hating gun owners, not just opposing gun ownership,” radio host Buck Sexton tweeted in response. “It’s not really about the guns anymore, it’s about ridiculing and antagonizing those who choose to own them.”
Your reminder that the Left has a culture of hating gun owners, not just opposing gun ownership.
That’s why they are so comfortable parading ignorance on the topic.
It’s not really about the guns anymore, it’s about ridiculing and antagonizing those who choose to own them.
— Buck Sexton (@BuckSexton) November 18, 2018
The ideological bubble is real.
— Cam Edwards (@CamEdwards) November 19, 2018
National Review writer Jonah Goldberg said, “Nina, this shows you’re in a massive, thick, bubble.”
Nina, this shows you’re in a massive, thick, bubble. Also, more crimes against humanity have been committed in the name of the “right side of history” than almost any other. And it’s a terrible cliche.
— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) November 18, 2018
The AR-15 is literally the most popular rifle in the country. I own one. I know dozens of other normal Americans who also own one. This tweet is absurdly stupid.
— Stephen Gutowski (@StephenGutowski) November 18, 2018
Almost every single media loon I’ve ever heard of writing about the AR-15 has been a blabbering ignoramus. Based on a Twitter sample the rest of them are scarily dopey. Get on the right side of the facts. #2A
— Dan Bongino (@dbongino) November 18, 2018
“Almost every single person I’ve ever heard of with an AR-15 has been a mass murderer.”
Imagine being this out of touch with America? This is literally why Trump won.
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) November 18, 2018
Burleigh accused her critics of being “pro @NRA Russia bots” and insisted she wasn’t going to read any of the angry replies to her tweet.
“I don’t read [the replies] and I assume the majority are pro @NRA Russian bots,” Burleigh said. “Thanks for stepping up comrades!”
1/ In less than 24 hours this tweet got more than 4k replies. I don’t read them and I assume the majority are pro @NRA Russian bots. Thanks for stepping up comrades! Ready to be checked by @SecureDemocracy @robhatlabs
— Nina Burleigh (@ninaburleigh) November 18, 2018