Colin Kaepernick’s lawyer Mark Geragos didn’t sound happy with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell during a Thursday morning TV appearance.
Goodell told the media Wednesday that the disgraced former 49ers quarterback and national anthem protestor would be on a team if he could help them win. Seems like a fair enough point.
Well, Geragos has a very different view. He said the following during his appearance on the “Today” show:
The commissioner was roasted appropriately on social media yesterday. Anybody who believes that will believe that Mark Sanchez was a better choice or some of the other, how should I put it delicately, people who were well passed their prime that were signed this year … One of the things that I don’t think the follow-up questions the commissioner never asked was, why is it that nobody ever gave him [Kaepernick] a workout? Why didn’t anybody ever bring him in and see where his skills were at? I think the whole thing is basically a ruse.
Here is a live look at my reaction to Kaepernick and his lawyer:
Why can’t Kaepernick and the people around him just go away! He hasn’t played football of any kind in two seasons, and he’s not coming back to the NFL.
Do you want to know why Kaep is so toxic? Because even if he was signed, his presence would be a massive media circus? Do media circuses help teams win games? No, no they do not. (RELATED: Will The Panthers Sign Colin Kaepernick)
It’s amazing that the former NFL quarterback has managed to stay in the news this long. He could follow Manziel’s example and head to the CFL if he really wants to prove himself, but you’re crazy if you think an NFL team is just going to hand him a job.
That’s simply not going to happen. It really does seem like he cares about attention and being a martyr more than anything else.
Otherwise, he’d find a place elsewhere to keep playing football.
Now, can we all just ignore this sideshow and move forward? That sure would be nice.