
Canadian Woman Goes Ballistic On The Bus. The Video Is Absurd

Bus Lady (Credit: Screenshot/Twitter Video

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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One Canadian woman recently had a really bad time on the bus.

BlogTO posted a video on Twitter Monday of the woman just screaming and shrieking for unknown reasons, and it has gone viral since. (SLIDESHOW: These Women On Instagram Hate Wearing Clothes)

It’s currently sitting at north of 2 million views. Honestly, I’ve never seen anything like it before. Her actions were so over-the-top that I don’t even know where to begin. (SLIDESHOW: 142 Times Josephine Skriver Barely Wore Anything)

She’s just screaming about whether or not there are any “gentlemen” left in this world. I think she wants a seat, but when one opens up, she doesn’t even take it. The whole sequence of events makes absolutely no sense. (SLIDESHOW: 71 Times Samantha Hoopes Stripped Down)

Check out the insane video below.

I think it’s safe to say that lady was having a really bad day. Imagine how much your day must be sucking in order to have a public meltdown on a bus? (SLIDESHOW: This Blonde Bombshell Might Be The Hottest Model On The Internet)

My rules for riding public transportation are super simple. I put my headphones in, I never sit, and I read the news on my phone. I will also do occasional scans for security threats if something raises my suspicions, but we haven’t had any close calls in a long time.

Apparently, this lady does the exact opposite of all of that. She created the biggest scene possible, and literally nobody was trying to engage her.

I hope her day turned itself around because I can’t imagine it got much worse.