
Wendy Williams Reveals She Taught Her Son How To Use A Condom Using A Banana

(Photo by Ilya S. Savenok/Getty Images for Vulture Festival)

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Wendy Williams revealed she taught her son about sex education the old-fashioned way.

Williams told the audience Thursday during her hot topics segment of “The Wendy Williams Show,” this week that she taught her son how to put on a condom using a banana for guidance.

“So, my husband was the one who said, ‘Yo, take him to the Walgreens and buy him a box of condoms.’ We bought the condoms, I bought a banana, showed him exactly what to do,” Williams said to the audience. (RELATED: Teens Prefer Snorting Condoms To Eating Tide Pods)

She noted that her son wasn’t even having sex yet. “He wasn’t even having the sex, but we were already having the sex talk in our family,” Williams said. “Then you double back around as a family, and before you know it, you’re talking about all kinds of sex stuff, and for me, that makes for an open conversation.”

I’m all for open conversations, but if my dad had taught me how to use a condom, I think I would have been a tad uncomfortable. Actually, if either of my parents physically showed me how to use a condom, I think I’d have been weirded out.

Also, I feel like condoms are pretty self-explanatory. I’m not sure how you could mess something like that up, but props to Williams for opening that conversation with her son.