
Warren Wants To Investigate Trump’s Firing Of Secret Service Director

Photo credit: JOSEPH PREZIOSO/AFP/Getty Images

Phillip Stucky Contributor
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Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren called for an investigation into the circumstances surrounding President Donald Trump’s decision to fire the Secret Service Director Randolph “Tex” Alles in a series of tweets Monday.

“The fact that @realDonaldTrump fired the @SecretService director at the same time the Mar-A-Lago news broke raises more concerns about the @WhiteHouse’s handling of security matters. @DHSgov should expand its investigation to include the circumstances of Alles’ firing,” Warren wrote on Twitter.

She attached the full copy of the letter she sent to Acting Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security John Kelly in which she asks him to further investigate the reason behind Alles’ firing.

News of Trump’s decision to remove the Secret Service director surfaced on the same day reporters learned that the first security breach at Mar-a-Lago was much worse than originally suspected. (RELATED: Warren Has ‘Zero’ Sympathy With People Who Lied To Get Into College)

“Today, new reports reveal that the March breach may have been more serious than indicated by initial reports, and that ‘the woman who allegedly breached security at Mar-A-Lago … had a signal detector, other electronic devices, and thousands of dollars in cash in her hotel room’ and that the ‘FBI has been investigating the incident as part of a Chinese espionage effort,'” Warren wrote in the letter.

 Elizabeth Warren and Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor Tim Murray at a Warren campaign rally in Auburn, Massachusetts. Tim Pierce Creative Commons

Elizabeth Warren and Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor Tim Murray at a Warren campaign rally in Auburn, Massachusetts. Tim Pierce Creative Commons

“These two reports are deeply troubling, raising additional concerns about how the White House is handling Secret Service security matters at Mar-A-Lago and elsewhere. I, therefore, write to ask that you expand any investigation of the recent security breach at Mar-a-Lago to include an examination of the circumstances surrounding President Trump’s reported firing of the Secret Service Director,” Warren concluded.

Secret Service agents formally arrested a Chinese national after she gained Mar-A-Lago with two passports, as well as four cellphones and a thumb drive with malware installed.

The foreign national allegedly told agents that she was a member of the club and wanted to use the pool, but once inside she asserted she was supposed to attend an event for the “United Nations Chinese American Association” that wasn’t an event scheduled on the property.