A suspected hit man led Los Angeles law enforcement officers on a wild chase Friday that ended in a standoff between multiple police vehicles and the suspect’s Toyota Prius.
CNN’s Maeve Reston described the chase in a series of tweets.
Crazy LA car chase with a murder suspect leaning out of passenger window shooting back at Cops from a Prius while driver sped wildly along surface streets. Now in a standoff on Bandini Blvd. Two BearCats & a drone now on scene: https://t.co/39LKPLnpnh
— Maeve Reston (@MaeveReston) May 10, 2019
& now another BearCat on scene with a robot that can take carry a phone to the murder suspect to resolve the standoff. Robot is now deployed, along with a rescue drone that is being sent in to get a better view of the driver & his situation
— Maeve Reston (@MaeveReston) May 10, 2019
Lolz, Ok. I’m transcribing interviews while watching. So update is that they have sent in the robot, arm extended toward the Prius w/suspect in passenger seat. Speculation by @ABC7 that shooter is suspected professional hit man in a murder earlier this wk. 2nd flash bang thrown
— Maeve Reston (@MaeveReston) May 10, 2019
I’m still trying to wrap my head around why professional hit man would have a Prius, but maybe that’s the stolen car of choice? Female Driver who gave chase has surrendered to police. No apparent movement from LA murder suspect
— Maeve Reston (@MaeveReston) May 10, 2019
. @LASDHQ has drone, robot and three armored vehicles and will box in murder suspect Prius
— Richard Winton (@LAcrimes) May 10, 2019
The female driver of the Prius surrendered to police while the suspect remained in the vehicle. Law enforcement sent in a dog to distract the suspect and allow the SWAT team time to move on the vehicle. (RELATED: Study Reveals Best And Worst States To Be A Police Officer)
They sent in a dog to distract the Murder suspect in the Prius while SWAT officers crept up on the other side of the Prius. Suspect did not respond as dog tugged at his arm; SWAT officers w/shields then removed suspect (unresponsive) from the car @RobStutzman
— Maeve Reston (@MaeveReston) May 10, 2019
The suspect was removed from the vehicle and transported from the scene, apparently being treated with an IV and oxygen. No reports have yet surfaced regarding the extent or cause of his apparent injuries.
#BREAKING Possible murder suspect in chase, standoff transported after being removed from car by authoritieshttps://t.co/0xHUxXCbxu pic.twitter.com/KHhO2VXlHC
— ABC7 Eyewitness News (@ABC7) May 11, 2019
In a wild twist to this insane LA car chase, the murder suspect who shot at officers from a speeding Prius and did not surrender in a standoff is now being taken away in an ambulance with an IV & oxygen after being removed from Prius by SWAT officers with shields.
— Maeve Reston (@MaeveReston) May 10, 2019