
Adam Sandler Had Adam Levine Perform At His 13-Year-Old Daughter’s Bat Mitzvah

(Credit: Youtube Screenshot / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLlJx-TZn4A)

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Adam Sandler revealed he finessed the most amazing surprise for his daughter’s bat mitzvah.

Sandler and Jennifer Aniston appeared on Thursday night’s episode of “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” and he told Kimmel about how Adam Levine performed at his daughter’s bat mitzvah, according to a report published by Entertainment Tonight.

“I didn’t even know why I did this, but I said, ‘I’d love to do something special for my daughter, I love her so much and blah, blah, blah,” Sandler recalled on the show. “And I texted [Adam], ‘I’m sorry to do this to you, my kid’s getting bat mitzvahed Saturday night. Would you mind coming and singing a few tunes? It would be incredible.’ But I don’t know why I did it. Then you see the dot, dot, dot immediately. I’m like, he got it and he’s about to say something.”

Levine reportedly responded and said he couldn’t say ‘no’ and that he’d perform along with James Valentine from his band Maroon 5. (RELATED: Adam Sandler To Host ‘SNL’ For First Time)

“It was the coolest thing, man,” Sandler said.

I bet it was the coolest thing. If 13-year-old me could have had THE Adam Levine perform at one of my teenage birthday pool parties, I don’t think I would have lived to tell you about it.

Being a child of someone as famous as Sandler or Levine, obviously has its perks.

(It’s not the first time a celebrity has made his or her way to the celebration of Jewish adulthood.)