
REP. BYRNE: Americans Have Had Enough Of Phony Investigations From Congress

REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-Ala.) Alabama Congressman
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There is a serious crisis on our southern border with illegal immigrants continuing to pour into our country. A major trade agreement that the president negotiated with Mexico and Canada to better protect American workers needs approval by Congress. Health care and prescription drug costs remain too high as many families struggle to pay their medical bills. Iran continues to provoke the United States and our allies.

Every one of these issues deserves the attention of Congress. Yet, the Democrat resisters who control the House are only focused on one thing: investigating and impeaching President Trump and the people who work for him.

That’s right. With all these serious issues facing our country, Democrats are dead set on spending all their time attacking the president, launching new meaningless investigations, and wasting taxpayer money, all because they still refuse to accept the results of the 2016 election.

Just last week, Democrats officially voted to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt. Earlier in the week, they held one of their phony “oversight” hearings with former Nixon attorney John Dean. Dean kicked off his testimony by admitting that he wasn’t a “fact witness,” which further illustrated that this whole exercise isn’t about finding the truth, but really about trying to score partisan political points.

First, Democrats told us all to wait and see what Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report said. They praised Mueller and said he was going to get all the answers. Then, when Mueller released his report finding no collusion and no obstruction, Democrats refused to accept the facts and instead insisted on continuing their anti-Trump witch hunt in the House.

Mueller spent over $35 million dollars, had a team of over 50 lawyers and investigators, interviewed approximately 500 witnesses, issued more than 2,800 subpoenas, and took over 22 months to look into all the details. So, what exactly do Democrats in the House think they are going to find that Mueller missed?

Let’s just be honest about what is really going on here. Democrats want to impeach the president. Most Democrats refuse to admit that openly, but that is exactly what this whole charade is about. Democratic Texas Congressman Al Green put the Democrat plan in very simple terms: “I’m concerned if we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected.”

The disconnect between the Democrats in Congress and the American people is startling.

Over the last few months, I’ve stopped in over 25 counties across my home state of Alabama holding town hall meetings and visiting with people in restaurants and at small businesses. Not once — not a single time — has someone asked me to impeach the president. I’ve never been asked to hold the attorney general in contempt or to try to acquire the president’s tax returns.

Instead, I’ve heard a ton about illegal immigration and the need to build a wall and secure our border. I’ve heard from senior citizens concerned about the costs of their prescription drugs and from blue collar workers worried about the threat of China’s illicit trade practices. I’ve talked with mothers and fathers who want to see something done about our nation’s aging infrastructure. These are the real issues facing our country.

I wish Nancy Pelosi or Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez would come to a diner in North Alabama or a VFW hall along the Gulf Coast and hear directly from the people about what issues matter. I think if they escaped their comfort zone of the elitist Washington, D.C. swamp, they would find just how out of touch they truly are with the American people.

I know that Democrats and their motley crew of presidential candidates are being pulled further and further to the extreme by the most radical in their party, but it is time for some common sense to prevail. It is time to hang up the whole “collusion” fantasy and start talking about real issues that actually matter to the American people.

Congressman Bradley Byrne represents Alabama as a Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives and is a candidate for the U.S. Senate seat held by Sen. Doug Jones (D-Ala.).

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of The Daily Caller.