Democratic New York Rep. Jerry Nadler argued Sunday that the impeachment of President Donald Trump was still a strong possibility, claiming during a segment of CNN’s “State of the Union” that the president had “violated the law six ways from Sunday.”
Host Jake Tapper noted that Wednesday’s hearings had not brought the bombshells many Democrats had been hoping for, but Nadler noted at a press conference that his House Judiciary Committee would go forward with an investigation geared toward impeachment.
“I want to clear this up here. You’re investigating possible impeachment but you haven’t formally opened an impeachment inquiry. Are you trying to have it both ways here?” Tapper asked.
“No, we’re not trying to have it both ways,” Nadler responded. “We said exactly what we’re doing. We’re investigating the question of — we’re investigating the corruptions of the administration, the abuses of power, what Mueller showed, the possible violations of the emoluments clause, that might recommend articles of impeachment and it has been recommended to the committee and we’re investigating to determine whether we should report those to the house and we’re going to court to get more evidence.”
Tapper turned the question to Nadler personally, asking whether he would support impeachment.
“My personal view is that he richly deserves impeachment,” Nadler said. “He has done many impeachable — he’s violated the law six ways from Sunday. But that is not the question. The question is can we develop enough evidence to put before the American people who — we’ve broken the log jam.”
“The president and the attorney general were lying to the American people saying that the Mueller report found no obstruction or collusion and exonerated the president,” the chairman continued. “I think the hearing the other day was an inflection point because it showed quite clearly that the report did not exonerate the president.” (RELATED: Mike Turner: Mueller Had No More Power To Declare Trump ‘Exonerated’ Than ‘To Declare Him Anderson Cooper’)
Nadler concluded that investigations would continue, saying, “These are very serious offenses against the rule of law and we now have to get further evidence and put it before the American people as we consider articles of impeachment in the committee.”