
Mike Leach: California Should Focus On Keeping Its Streets Clean, Not College Football

(Photo by Bob Levey/Getty Images)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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Washington State football coach Mike Leach made it crystal clear that he’s not a fan of a proposal in California to let college athletes get paid for their likeness.

There is currently a bill in the state waiting for Governor Gavin Newsom’s signature that would allow players to profit off of their likeness and appearance. It would be the first of its kind in America, and the NCAA has already said it wouldn’t allow schools in the state to compete if it passed. Well, you can add Leach to the list of people who are against it.

The Washington State coach told the media the following about the bill and California in general on Monday:

The state of California has trouble keeping their streets clean right now. So, my thought is that they probably ought to focus on that. That’s just one guy’s opinion, and I’m sure I’m probably wrong…At the rate California is handling their infrastructure and some of their other problems, you know, I think that we’ll see how they do with that before I really think it’d be that beneficial for the legislature in California to enter into college football.

You can watch his full rant below. It’s proof that Leach is already in mid-season form.

This right here is why Leach is such a college football legend. He’s out here just throwing right hooks at California for being a dirty state.

You don’t ask the king a question and not expect a golden response whenever it involves college football. Judging from his comments, he must absolutely hate California. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

I can’t blame him too much. I’ve been there before. Outside of San Diego, it’s nothing to write home about. Leach hit the nail on the head.


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I just love how instead of discussing the merits of the bill, he just decided to murder a whole state like it was no big deal at all.

Hey, California, you want college players to get paid? Stop being such a dirty state with a crumbling infrastructure first.

Don’t come out swinging with your dumb proposals or Leach will end up just smoking you like it’s a casual afternoon activity.


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Go, Leach, go! The man is an entertainment machine, and it’ll never get old.