
Devin Nunes Claims Democrats Wanted Nude Photos Of Trump

Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images

William Davis Contributor
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Republican California Rep. Devin Nunes ripped Democrats on Thursday during a House Intelligence Committee hearing, claiming Democrats have been seeking out compromising photos of President Donald Trump.

The ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee claimed the impeachment inquiry against the president is politically motivated. (RELATED: Adam Schiff Accuses Trump Of ‘Mafia-Like Shakedown’ Of Ukrainian President)

“Of course Democrats on this very committee negotiated with people who they thought were Ukrainians in order to obtain nude pictures of Trump,” Nunes said.

It’s possible that Nunes was referring to a 2018 incident in which now-House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff was fooled by Russian Comedians who claimed they had nude photos of the president.


Nunes also brought up a quote from Democratic Texas Rep. Al Green, who openly worried that Trump might be re-elected in 2020 if Democrats did not proceed on impeachment. (RELATED: Impeachment Proceedings Usually Move Swiftly, But Democrats Are Playing It Slow)

“People can reasonably ask why the Democrats are so determined to impeach this president when in just a year, they’ll have a chance,” Nunes said. In fact, one democratic congressman, one of the first to call for Trump’s impeachment, gave us the answer when he said, quote, I’m concerned that if we don’t impeach the president, he will get re-elected, unquote.”

The House Intelligence Committee is questioning Acting Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Maguire on Thursday, as Congress deals with the fallout from a whistleblower complaint released Thursday morning, that accused Trump of seeking foreign assistance for his re-election campaign.