Protesters played Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford’s testimony outside a Washington, D.C., event where Justice Brett Kavanaugh was speaking Thursday.
In his first speech since being seated on the Supreme Court, Kavanaugh spoke at a black-tie event hosted by the Federalist Society at Union Station — and as people walked into the event, they were greeted by a truck carrying a big screen and speakers, playing Blasey-Ford’s testimony.
The left-wing judicial group @WeDemandJustice is screening video of Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony outside the Federalist Society’s Antonin Scalia Dinner, where Justice Brett Kavanaugh will deliver remarks.
— Kevin Daley ???? (@KevinDaleyDC) November 15, 2019
The Federalist Society’s hosting a black tie dinner inside Union Station tonight, so protestors rolled up a big screen and loud speakers blaring Christine Blasey Ford’s Kavanaugh testimony as a welcome to attendees
— Matt Laslo (@MattLaslo) November 14, 2019
Outside of Union Station in DC, where Justice Kavanaugh is giving his first major speech since joining the Supreme Court, a group hired a truck with a screen to play Dr. Ford’s testimony against him.
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) November 14, 2019
Some protesters also showed up in the iconic red robes from “The Handmaid’s Tale,” while others yelled “I believe Dr. Ford!” and “I believe Anita Hill!” while Federalist Society members waited in line to enter the event. (RELATED: Here’s What ABC Ran With While Holding Up Epstein Bombshell Over Journalistic Concerns)
Oh man. Anti-Kavanaugh protesters are shouting “I believe Dr. Ford! I believe Anita Hill!” right in the faces of Federalist Society members as they’re stuck waiting in line for their gala to start. For who knows how long. #awkward
— Jennifer Bendery (@jbendery) November 14, 2019
At the other entrance I counted 11 protestors including one “stand with Kavanaugh” fellow who was far more passionate than the Demand Justice group. Then the handmaids.
Moods are tense as the band of rabble rousers clearly has FedSoc members questioning their life choices.
— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) November 15, 2019