Republican California Rep. Devin Nunes on Wednesday wrote a letter to House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff asking Hunter Biden and the whistleblower to be subpoenaed to appear before the committee.
“The American people understand how you have affirmatively prevented Republicans from examining serious issues directly relevant to the issues,” Nunes and Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan said in the letter. “Therefore, to provide some basic level of fairness and objectivity to your ‘impeachment inquiry,’ we intend to subpoena the anonymous whistleblower and Hunter Biden for sworn testimony in closed-door depositions.”
Nunes Plans To Subpoena Whistleblower, Hunter Biden on Scribd
Republican Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul on Thursday said he might force a vote to bring in 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son in as a witness to the impeachment trial against President Donald Trump. (RELATED: Rand Paul Might Force Vote To Bring Hunter Biden In As Impeachment Witness)
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said that the Senate cannot dismiss the articles of impeachment against Trump, meaning there will be a trial. However, most Republican senators refused to rule out voting to remove Trump from office in an impeachment trial over the Ukraine scandal when contacted by the Daily Caller at the end of October. (RELATED: McConnell On Dismissal Of Trump Impeachment Articles: ‘We’ll Have To Have A Trial’)
The Caller contacted all 53 Republican Senate offices to ask if senators would rule out voting to remove Trump from office, and received a variety of responses — seven senators explicitly rejected impeachment in their statement.
However, Senate Republicans do not appear to be concerned about House Democrats’ ongoing efforts to impeach Trump, with many saying even if the House were to move forward with impeachment, that there is no way the Senate would vote to impeach the president. (RELATED: Senate Republicans Are Not At All Worried About Impeachment)
The Daily Caller spoke with over ten GOP senators in mid-October, who all shared their views about House Democrats’ efforts to impeach the President. Not one senator was concerned about the impeachment process, saying they are most concerned about the Democrats’ ongoing attempts to impeach Trump based on no hard evidence.
House Democrats will continue to hold open impeachment hearings throughout the next weeks.