Gallup reported Monday that satisfaction with race relations has jumped 14% since Trump’s inauguration.
The number of respondents saying they were satisfied with the position of blacks and other minorities in the nation increased from 37% to 46% since January 2017 as well, the poll notes.
Overall the results are good news for a president in the midst of an impeachment trial and seeking re-election in November. Confidence in the “state of the nation’s economy” has catapulted from 46% to 68% in three years, a 22% increase.
Gallup notes, “Satisfaction is also up by between six and nine points on crime, the position of blacks and other racial minorities, the distribution of income and wealth, and the opportunity for a person to get ahead through hard work.” (RELATED: Actress Debra Messing Promotes Message That Says Black Support For Trump Is ‘Mental Illness’)
The numbers on race relations seemingly fly in the face of rhetoric from progressives who not only routinely label the president as a racist and is actively or passively promoting a white supremacist agenda. Democratic New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker has called the president “worse than a racist” while CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin labelled Trump a racist for calling Democratic California Rep. Maxine Waters a “low IQ individual.”
When Trump criticized the infrastructure in Baltimore and said the city was “rodent-infested” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the comments “racist.” (RELATED: Rob Reiner Says Those Who Support Trump Are ‘Racist’)
Trump has consistently noted that unemployment for black and Hispanic Americans has reached an all-time low and that minorities are benefiting from the economic boom the country is experiencing.
The pollsters explained their methodology: “Results are based on telephone interviews conducted January 2-15, 2020 with a random sample of –1,014— adults, ages 18+, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. For results based on this sample of national adults, the margin of sampling error is ±4 percentage points at the 95% confidence level.”