
Dwayne Haskins Reveals How He Spent His First $1 Million After Making The NFL In GQ Video

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David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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Washington Redskins quarterback Dwayne Haskins recently revealed how he spent his first $1 million after making the NFL.

Haskins was the 15th pick in the 2019 draft coming out of Ohio State, and he received a $14.4 million contract over four years from the team. Every penny of it is guaranteed. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)


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So, what does a young man do once coming into that kind of cash? Well, Haskins revealed he put a lot of it away, bought his mom a house (which he excluded from his first $1 million), got some artwork and spent some on vacation.

You can watch him break it all down in a video for GQ below.

First off, Haskins seems very aware of the fact that you have to put money away. That seems lost on a lot of people who quickly come into a bunch of money.

If you’re not smart with your cash, you’ll quickly part ways with it. That’s just a fact of life, and we’ve seen it play out time and time again.

Luckily, Haskins seems to understand you have to put a bunch aside for life after football.


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Having said that, I’m not sure spending thousands of dollars on jewelry and clothes is a smart way to spend your first $1 million.

You can also add the car that he bought into that category. Not how I would spend my money at all. However, you do have to take care of your offensive line. That’s just an obvious one.


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He also said he put his sister through school. That’s obviously a cool thing for a brother to do if he has the means, and it sounds like he was financially responsible about his vacation. I also kind of like spending the $10,000 on the artwork for the house. That’s the kind of unique purchase that is probably worth every penny.

All the way around, it seems like Haskins is reasonably good with his money.