MSNBC host Joe Scarborough claimed Tuesday that conservatives have left their ideological home for “this cult” of President Donald Trump that is sacrificing the lives of America’s seniors.
“What’s happened to conservatism … Now, you actually have people who were once conservative, who are now in this cult following Donald Trump blindly,” Scarborough said on “Morning Joe.”
Although the morning host allowed that he was “not talking about all Donald Trump supporters,” he cited “these people who make their living in this cottage industry spreading conspiracy theories today that can get members of the greatest generation sick and even, you know, could even kill them.” (RELATED: Joe Scarborough: Dr. Phil And Dr. Oz Spreading ‘Propaganda’ For Trump)
Scarborough who has called himself a conservative over the years and was once a Republican congressman from Florida, claimed that conservatism today has lost its way and that the Republican Party no longer reflects those ideological values. He said he remembers liberal talk show host Bill Maher once referring to the party as “mean accountants” who “would at least tell us the truth.”
“I don’t know how you get from a small government guy to a guy who already was running the biggest national debt in the history of America, even before this pandemic came about. It just makes no sense at all.” (RELATED: Trump Is ‘Yapping Like An Authoritarian Wannabe’ When He Says He Will Decide When Economy Reopens)
Scarborough was prompted to begin his rant against Trump supporters after reiterating his belief that the true number of coronavirus deaths in the United States are “even higher” than the official totals.
He claimed that “more people are dying” because they’re afraid to seek medical help at a hospital — something Scarborough suggests is a result of Trump’s “lackeys in the media” promoting a “reckless conspiracy” and urging the reopening of the economy.
“I just wonder, are a few extra clicks worth endangering the lives of your parents and your grandparents and your neighbors and the people you go to church with, the people you go to synagogues with? What is worth that?”
Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, who is a member of Trump’s economic task force, has said that America cannot wait until the coronavirus has completely disappeared before reopening the economy because the economy will disappear with it.