Failed Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams said Sunday that she would not concede the possibility that President Donald Trump might win reelection in 2020.
Abrams joined anchor Jake Tapper on “State of the Union” to discuss Georgia Republican Governor Brian Kemp’s move to reopen his state’s economy — despite pushback from the White House and others — and the topic turned to former Vice President Joe Biden’s quest for a running mate. (RELATED: ‘You Could Have Had Stacey Abrams’: Whoopi Goldberg Slams Georgia Governor For Reopening)
Tapper mentioned the Reverend Al Sharpton, noting a report that indicated he would be endorsing Abrams as a potential running mate for Biden, adding, “Biden says he’s going to choose a woman as his running mate. Do you think Biden can win if his running mate is a white woman or does he need to choose a woman of enclose are to win?”
Abrams, who had told ABC’s “The View” earlier in the week that she had “concerns” that Biden might not choose a black woman, dialed her answer to Tapper back a bit. “Vice President Biden has done this job. He knows what he needs to do to win and what he needs to do to help our country recover from four years of incompetence and chaos. I trust Joe Biden to make the best decision,” she said.
Tapper went on to note Biden’s recent comments suggesting that Trump might try to postpone the November election or defund the U.S. Postal Service in an effort to block vote-by-mail efforts.
“Will Democrats accept the election result if President Trump wins in November?” Tapper turned the question to Abrams.
“First of all, I refuse to concede that will happen,” Abrams fired back. She then went on to accuse Republicans of investing “millions of dollars in fighting access to safe and accessible elections,” adding, “We can’t survive another four years with Donald Trump.”