Mazin Mohamedali, 20, was arrested Sunday on charges of unlawful assembly, disorderly conduct, and a probation violation based on his participation in the Iowa City “Black Lives Matter” protests.
The judge ordered Mohamedali to be held without bond Monday until he can be placed in Hope House, a residence for adult males serving probation or on work release.
Mohamedali is a leader of the Iowa Freedom Riders, according to the Cedar Rapids Gazette. The group has organized protests that shut down Interstate 80 and other roadways. Some are blaming the group for graffiti and damages around the University of Iowa Campus, including the University’s Children’s Hospital.
On Sunday the Iowa Freedom Writers released a list of demands regarding the Iowa City Police Department including “A 25% cut in funding..”
The Freedom Riders maintain that they have only been involved in peaceful protests. (RELATED: Chris Doyle Responds To Allegations From Former Iowa Players, Says He Has Never ‘Crossed The Line Of Unethical Behavior Or Bias Based Upon Race’)