The decision to cancel the 2020 Big 10 football season will go down as one of the darkest moments in the history of sports.
I wanted to take some time to gather my thoughts and get a few hours removed from the situation before diving into this chaos. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)
As we all know, the Big 10 canceled the football season Tuesday because of coronavirus. It was a cowardly and stupid decision.
“The Big 10 football season is officially canceled.”
— David Hookstead (@dhookstead) August 11, 2020
Furthermore, it looks dumber and dumber with every single minute that passes. With the Big 12, ACC and SEC all moving forward with their schedules, we look like absolute morons.
Those conferences will pull ahead. They’ll get richer, dominate the immediate recruiting scene and pillage Big 10 rosters for star athletes.
The Big 10 has officially canceled the 2020 football season, according to multiple reports. Announcement coming at any moment.
Dreams crushed, local economies destroyed, lives forever changed because of decisions based on fear.
Shameful day for college football.
— David Hookstead (@dhookstead) August 11, 2020
The damage done August 11, 2020 might not be fixed in the next two or three decades. When you fall behind in the world of sports, it can take a generation or more to catch back up. Sometimes, you never catch up at all.
There’s a very real chance this is the end of the Big 10 as we know it. We might never bounce back. We went from the crown jewel of college sports to a second tier conference in a matter of minutes. That’s the situation Kevin Warren and all the cowardly university presidents have put us in.
Everyone who played a role in this decision must be fired immediately. Warren and every university president who didn’t fight to stop this should be unemployed by the end of the day.
These idiots chose to decimate the local communities that enrich them. I can’t overstate how bad this decision will be for businesses in Big 10 communities that depend on football to survive. As Americans, we have a right to make it known when we’re pissed and push for change.
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The impact of canceling Big 10 football will still be felt by the time I’m 50, and that’s not a joke. Businesses will close forever, dreams have been crushed, lives will be changed in ways we don’t even know yet and there will be no positives.
It’d be one thing if every conference sat out, but that’s not happening, which makes this a nightmare scenario for the B1G.
Fire everyone, replace them immediately and reverse this decision while we still can. We don’t live in fear in this country, and if the SEC can play football, then we can too.
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I’m ashamed to be a B1G man as of this morning, and that’s going to sting for a long time.