After a long, drawn out process of pandering and identity politics, Democrat Party nominee for President Joe Biden has chosen his running mate — career politician and California liberal Kamala Harris.
Biden’s decision, forced upon him by the fringe activist elements now in charge of the Democrat Party, reveals an uncomfortable truth — the Democrat Party is willing to divide this nation through identity politics to win in November.
As is common with the Democrat establishment, they are once again showing their willingness to say or do anything to get ahead. Just a few months ago, Kamala Harris all but called Joe Biden a racist as she listed off all of Biden’s segregationist friends and the segregationist policies Biden helped support.
She even asked for an apology, which she never received.
“You also worked … to oppose busing,” Harris dramatically said on a debate stage with Biden in June 2019. “And, you know, there was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools, and she was bused to school every day. And that little girl was me.”
Harris accused Joe Biden of supporting racist policies, going as far as to highlight how his actions could have adversely impacted her as, “a little girl in California.”
The line would carry more weight if it weren’t so blatantly phony.
Where is Harris on all this now? It would seem as appropriate a time as any with the unrest following the killing of George Floyd, to highlight Biden’s failed record on race relations. Yet, it is unlikely we’ll hear anything close to this sort of rhetoric now that Biden has elevated her to the presidential ticket.
And it wasn’t just the one incident. Harris unleashed on Biden over his role in crafting the 1994 crime bill, which she (accurately) said led to the mass incarceration crisis plaguing communities of color to this day.
Harris was correct. Biden was the driving force behind crime legislation that separated American families disproportionately in underprivileged communities of color through mass incarceration and longer prison sentences.
It’s hard to say what the total effect has been on the black community. It is also highly unlikely we hear more about this from Harris, but it doesn’t stop there.
Harris political opportunism could be no more blatant than her initial support for women who accused Joe Biden of touching them inappropriately. Harris is on record saying she believes the women. So, the obvious question is, does Harris still believe the accusers? Or does personal political ambition supersede principle?
On top of being the ultimate career political opportunist, Harris is a dyed-in-the-wool California liberal.
Harris, like Biden, will raise taxes, cut police funding, kill American energy jobs, and risk national security through dangerous open-borders policies.
In her failed attempt at the presidency, Harris embraced the farthest left positions, calling for trillions of dollars in new taxes and backing Bernie Sanders’ single-payer Medicare-for-All, which would cost over $32 trillion. She also said she wanted to eliminate private insurance, even if individuals like their plan.
Harris is a co-sponsor of the radical Green New Deal, a proposal that will eliminate good paying American jobs and decimate working families across the industrial Midwest. She voted against the Trump tax cuts, which put more money into the pockets of families and small business owners.
Harris has endorsed the far-left’s immigration policies that are tantamount to open borders. She supports sanctuary cities and said in 2018 that, “we need to probably think about starting from scratch” when referring to ICE.
And when it comes to her record as a District Attorney in San Francisco, Harris was more focused on playing politics than fighting crime as a prosecutor, with San Francisco’s homicide rates rising when Harris was the city’s District Attorney
As DA, Harris inflated the office’s conviction rate by offering plea deals to defendants accused of serious crimes. When cases went to trial, Harris’ office underperformed compared to other prosecutors Harris’ attempted to inflate her office’s conviction rate, cutting deals that let murderers off the hook and put predators back on the streets.
Joe Biden is no moderate, and with Harris as his “political living will,” he is surrendering control of our nation to the radical left. At the ballot box, Americans will resoundingly reject the abysmal failures of Biden-Harris in favor of the America First strength of President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.
Katrina Pierson is Senior Advisor to Donald. J. Trump for President, Inc.