The Washington Football Team will play in an empty stadium during the 2020 season.
According to Adam Schefter, the franchise won’t have fans in attendance during the coronavirus pandemic. They’re just the latest team at the college or pro level to make the decision to limit or ban fans. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)
Washington Football Team announces there will be no fans at home games in 2020.
— Adam Schefter (@AdamSchefter) August 12, 2020
Another one bites the dust! Remember earlier this morning when I talked about South Carolina being delusional for thinking they’d get almost 25% capacity?
Well, it hasn’t been long and an NFL team has already banned fans during the coronavirus pandemic!
Tanner tells @1075thegame that current plan for W-B capacity is 24.6 percent, which would be 19,741.5 fans, that includes “full band,” player family and guests and some students. “It would be easy to pivot and go back to no fans, but our fans want to come.”
— Josh Kendall (@JoshTheAthletic) August 11, 2020
Get used to seeing more and more of this, folks. Fans just aren’t going to be packing sporting events during the 2020 season.
It’s just not going to happen, and it’s time to accept that fact. I wish it wasn’t true, but it is true. We can resist it or we can accept it.
Either way, it’s not changing.
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Hopefully, fans can return in 2021, but we’re still a long way off from even knowing that.