Parents of Big 10 football players protested the league Friday.
Parents of players from several different teams went to the B1G offices in Rosemont, Illinois to protest the league’s decision to cancel football during the coronavirus pandemic. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)
You can check out the protest below.
Randy Wade and other Big Ten parents start the “Let us play!” chant outside the league office.
— Adam Rittenberg (@ESPNRittenberg) August 21, 2020
Parents of Big 10 football players protest in Rosemont, asking officials for transparency and communication over decision to end fall football. @fox32news
— Joanie Lum FOX 32 (@JoanieLum) August 21, 2020
The Big Ten parents who held the protest at conference HQ — Ohio State, Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin were represented @Outkick
— Ryan Glasspiegel (@sportsrapport) August 21, 2020
Good for all of these parents. I wish I was there to join them as we continue to fight Kevin Warren’s moronic decision to cancel Big 10 football.
Seriously, how dumb are the leaders of the Big 10? From now on we will call him Cowardly Kevin! Cowardly Kevin and all the other idiots who canceled football need to be fired.
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With every passing day, the Big 10 looks dumber and dumber as the SEC, Big 12 and ACC all move towards having a football season.
Thanks to Cowardly Kevin, the Big 10 won’t play and the parents are pissed. Not only are the parents upset, the fans, players and coaches are also furious.
The damage done by this decision might never be fixed, and we have to remind people of that fact every single day that we’re alive and breathing.
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Fire Cowardly Kevin and don’t stop raging until Big 10 football is back!
Thanks for ruining the Big 10 @KevinFWarren! Hope you’re happy!
We’re not allowed to play sports because it’s not “safe” but your son is playing at Mississippi State.
Must be nice cashing huge checks in your ivory tower.
— David Hookstead (@dhookstead) August 21, 2020