Guns and Gear

Joe Biden Shoots Down Self-Defense, Attacks Gun Owners

Video screenshot/Twitter/Richie McGinniss

Guns and Gear Contributor
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By Aidan Johnston

Tucker Carlson asked America, “How shocked are we that 17-year-olds with rifles decided they had to maintain order when no one else would?”

While the question sent the Fake News Media into an anti-gun and pro-riot frenzy, Tucker’s question cuts straight to the heart of an issue plaguing these United States.

Nationwide, Americans tune in each night to find that rioting, looting, and unanswered 911 calls are our “new normal.”

We are repeatedly seeing American businesses looted and burned down while business owners are beaten and killed for defending their livelihoods. These scenes have already prompted an unprecedented five million Americans to become first time gun owners.

These first-time gun owners don’t represent a rise in vigilante justice or militant racism.

Americans are keeping and bearing arms to defend themselves, their loved ones, as well as their homes and businesses for the security of our free state.

These gun owners and self-defenders are patriotic citizens who exercise their rights protected by the Second Amendment.

What do you expect Americans to do when violent mobs are destroying their communities and the police are too afraid to act? We should expect them to defend themselves and their communities—which is just what Kyle Rittenhouse did.

After the incident in Kenosha, Wisconsin, vapid anti-gunners like Joe Biden condemned Rittenhouse as a member of an “extreme, right-wing militia” and suggested Kyle might be connected to “white supremacists and white nationalists and Neo-Nazis and the KKK.”

But the glaring lack of evidence tying Kyle to any such degenerate ideology is impossible to ignore.

Instead, we have found that the 17-year-old “idolized” the police and attended one of the President’s rallies. He also worked as a community lifeguard in Kenosha. After work on Tuesday, Kyle and a friend volunteered their time to remove rioter’s graffiti off the wall of a nearby high school.

Alongside other gun owners, Kyle and his friend responded to a call to action from a local business owner. When he arrived, he and other volunteers stood guard over an auto dealership and two mechanic shops in the area to “help protect what [the local business owner] had left of his life’s work” after crippling damage from the previous nights’ rioting and looting.

In an interview before the shooting, Kyle explained why he was defending the property, saying that he carried the “rifle to protect [him]self” and his med kit “to provide medical attention to people that need it.”

Contrary to Joe Biden’s slander, Kyle Rittenhouse was bearing arms in defense of his community at a moment’s notice.

But the anti-gun establishment will continue to ignore his actions, statements, character, and all evidence contrary to their narrative.

As it turns out, Rittenhouse and his rifle appear to have had more of a right to be there than any of the “protestors” he fought off—including the twice convicted pedophile who irately taunted “Shoot me, N****!” or the two men who charged Kyle with a skateboard and a gun after others shouted “Get him! Get that dude!” and “Beat him up!”

Ample public video evidence continues to suggest that Kyle Rittenhouse used his firearm in a textbook case of self-defense after attempting to retreat to safety multiple times.

Let us rephrase Tucker’s incisive question: are we surprised that a young American with a sense of civic duty decided to defend his community when the police would not?

We shouldn’t be!

Aidan Johnston is the Director of Federal Affairs for Gun Owners of America, a nonprofit grassroots lobbying organization dedicated to protecting the right to keep and bear arms without compromise. GOA represents over two million members and activists, and can be found at Click here to join Gun Owners of America.