Bridgeport Police Chief Arrested For Rigging Hiring Process In His Favor

Scott Barbour/Getty Images

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The police chief of Bridgeport, Connecticut was arrested Thursday for allegedly rigging the hiring process to ensure he got the position in 2018.

Police Chief Armando J. Perez and Bridgeport personnel director David Dunn were arrested Thursday and face federal charges, New York and Connecticut federal prosecutors announced according to the Associated Press. (RELATED: 3 People Charged For Assaulting Police Officers During Portland Riots)

The pair allegedly rigged the 2018 police chief examination in Perez’s favor to ensure he got the job, according to the report. The criminal complaint alleges that Dunn gave Perez the confidential questions on the exam before he took it, and had two police officers do the written portion of his test for him.

They face federal charges for defrauding the city’s 144,000 residents, the Associated Press reported. They are scheduled to appear in court Thursday afternoon. It is not yet known who will represent them.

City officials had no immediate comment, the spokesperson for Mayor Joe Ganim, Rowena White, told the Associated Press.