There were record high numbers of hate crimes and hate crime murders in 2019, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s latest data.
The FBI released hate crime statistics from its Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program on November 16.
The majority of the crimes reported were classified as crimes against persons. Most of these were for intimidation and assault. However, there were 51 hate crime murders in 2019, according to the FBI. This is the highest number since they began collecting data. There were also 30 rapes reported. (RELATED: Scottish Hate Crime Bill To Prosecute People Who Use Hate Speech Even While Home)
The FBI reported that in 2019 there were 7,103 incidents involving 8,552 victims. The majority of these crimes’ motivation was racial, ethnic, or ancestral bias, with over 50% of crimes being attributed to it.
The next most prevalent bias was religion, which motivated about 20% of hate crimes. Sexual orientation bias accounted for another roughly 17%. The rest of the crime motivators were gender, disability and gender identity biases. (RELATED: Anti-Government Group Leader Allegedly Behind Bombing Of Mosque Was Motivated By Hatred, Prosecutors Say)