Joy Behar said Tuesday that she was relieved to finally see a move toward President-elect Joe Biden’s transition.
During a segment of ABC’s “The View,” Behar referred to outgoing members of President Donald Trump’s administration as “the cast of ‘Lord of the Flies,'” saying that she was relieved to see the return of veteran officials like former Secretary of State John Kerry. (RELATED: ‘He’ll Be Living With Macho Man In Cell Block 11’: Joy Behar Predicts Trump Will Land In Prison)
Cohost Whoopi Goldberg kicked off the show with a mention of General Services Administrator Emily Murphy, who was directed Monday to allow the transition to begin.
“Now, when you heard this news, all of it, Ana, what did you think? Did you think okay, we can take a deep breath?” she asked.
“I thought about damn time,” cohost Ana Navarro replied, saying that she thought it was a problem to have the entire process held up by “one obscure political appointee.”
“There are some great Biden appointments,” Navarro continued, adding, “So it’s refreshing to see people who have such a depth of experience, who are not political, who are not grifters, who are not under investigation. Most of these people have served as deputies of the departments they’ll now be heading … We’re rid of the Stephen Miller era.”
Behar weighed in then, saying, “I go along with all that. I realize I’ve been in a rage for four years. We came this close. We basically came this close to a dictatorship. I don’t think people get that 100%. I’m happy to get rid of people like Stephen Miller and the rest of the cast of the ‘Lord of the Flies.'”
Behar went on to mention Kerry specifically, saying that she was especially glad to have him on board to deal with climate change.
“When I was a kid I worried about nuclear war all the time. When I was young they made us hide under the desks. I would say why would I bring my library books back when we’re all going to die in a nuclear war,” she explained. “That describes my childhood. Happy Thanksgiving.”
Behar concluded by saying that she had received a number of notes telling her to “get happy” again, and she replied, “I’m so relieved and I want my rage to disappear now. I want to be happy. People online are writing to me, Joy, get happy again. I’m happy.”