Author Kathleen Brush said Thursday that America is not only tolerant of racial minorities, it is leading the world in anti-racism.
“America is one of the leading anti-racist nations,” Brush, the author of “Racism and Anti-Racism in the World Before and After 1945,” told Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”
She said she was inspired to research racism in America and to write her book as a response to U.S. politicians who routinely label their country as racist. (RELATED: Joe Biden: ‘America Was An Ideal … We’ve Never Lived Up To It’)
“I have been studying racism around the world for more than a decade, including visiting 114 nations. I know what systemic racism looks like. It is opposite to the United States,” Brush told Carlson.
The author noted that American President Franklin Roosevelt “parlayed American victory in World War II to get global powers to agree to end the colonial subjugation of Africans, Asians, and Europeans, and to get all nations to agree to abolish discrimination or to end discrimination.”
She said the United States was faithful to that promise while other nations “didn’t honor their commitments: they just continued right on discriminating as they had before.” Brush attributes these racial attitudes as the reason parts of the world “still experience slavery, arbitrary detention, statelessness, or just garden-variety privileged and unprivileged people.”
In order to “cement America’s anti-racist bona fides,” Brush noted that “African-Americans are the most prosperous, educated black population in the world.”
She said that success can also be applied to other ethnic groups. “America’s Latino GDP is the highest GDP of any Latin American nation. And that includes Brazil, with 3.5 times the [Latino] population. Asian-Americans are the most educated and prosperous racial group in America. Their incomes are 25% higher than whites, on average. For Indian Americans, household income is 60% higher.”
Brush said Americans indicate that they are less resistant to living next to someone of another race than people in other countries, with only 0-5% of Americans saying race was a factor. “In Iran and Nigeria, it was 30-40%. In France it was 20-30%.” (RELATED: Mayor Pete: Anyone Who Supports Trump Is Supporting Racism)
President-elect Joe Biden has called President Donald Trump America’s first racist president. “What President Trump has done, in his spreading of racism … The way he deals with people based on the color of their skin, their national origin, where they’re from, is absolutely sickening,” he said.
The 1619 Project is an attempt by the The New York Times Magazine to reframe the narrative of American history, focusing on slavery and racism.