
Walmart Called Josh Hawley A ‘Sore Loser’ On Twitter, Then Deleted It

(Photo by Samuel Corum/Getty Images)

Dylan Housman Deputy News Editor
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A tweet from the official Walmart Twitter account called Republican Missouri Senator Josh Hawley a “sore loser” Wednesday before being quickly deleted. 

Hawley tweeted a statement that he would be objecting to the electoral college certification process in the Senate on Jan. 6. Walmart responded, saying: “Go ahead. Get your 2 hour debate. #SoreLoser.” (RELATED: Sen. Josh Hawley To Object Electoral College Certification Process On January 6)

Walmart Tweet Calls Josh Hawley A Sore Loser (Screenshot/Twitter @lachlan)

Walmart Tweet Calls Josh Hawley A Sore Loser (Screenshot/Twitter @lachlan)

It’s possible the tweet was the result of a mixing up of accounts, although Walmart has not offered an explanation of the incident yet at this time. Social media managers have accidentally tweeted inappropriately from corporate accounts in the past, thinking they were tweeting from a personal account. 

Hawley is one of a number of Republican lawmakers who have expressed interest in contesting the electoral college certification on Jan. 6. The Missouri senator is thought to be a potential GOP presidential candidate in 2024.