
Former President Donald Trump Leaves Door Open For Possible 2024 Presidential Run


Brandon Gillespie Media Reporter
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Former President Donald Trump left open the possibility that he may throw his hat into the 2024 presidential race in a Wednesday interview on Newmax.

Trump appeared by phone on “Greg Kelly Reports” and discussed with host Greg Kelly his potential level of support for running again, as well what he sees as his administration’s accomplishments. (RELATED: ‘Either Not Telling The Truth Or Mentally Gone’: Trump Rips Biden Over Vaccine Claim)

“You know you still command enormous attention, so I want to go back, again, look it’s a no brainer. You’re going to run for president in 2024 right? I mean you got all the support. Why wouldn’t you run?” Kelly began.

“Well, we have tremendous support. I won’t say yet, but we have tremendous support, and I’m looking at poll numbers that are through the roof. You saw what happened yesterday when we went up again. I’m the only guy who gets impeached and my numbers go up. Figure that one out,” Trump responded.

“Let’s say somebody gets impeached, typically, your numbers would go down. They would go down like a dead balloon. But the numbers are very good. They’re very high. I think they’re higher than they were before the election. And they were high at the election,” he continued.

A Politico/Morning Consult poll was released Monday that showed Trump leading a hypothetically crowded Republican primary field with an overwhelming 53% support. The person with the second highest percentage of the vote was former Vice President Mike Pence with 12%. All other potential candidates were in the single digits.

“And I like the job. Look, we did a great job. We rebuilt our military. Think of it. We lowered taxes, got rid of regulations. How about Space Force? Just space force alone would be a big achievement. First time in seventy four years, a new branch of the U.S. military. So all of the things we’ve done,” Trump continued.

He went on to describe how his administration “built the wall” along the southern U.S. border and lamented the current state of the border under the Biden administration.