
‘Stop The RACIALIZATION Of Everyone’: Tulsi Gabbard Says Mainstream Media And Politicians Are Forcing Racial Division

Screenshot/Tulsi Gabbard Twitter

Elizabeth Weibel Contributor
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Former Democratic Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard slammed the mainstream media and politicians on Sunday for using racial issues to divide people for political or financial gain.

“My dear friends, my fellow Americans, please, please let us stop the racialization of everyone and everything – racialism,” Gabbard said during a video posted on Twitter.

“We’re all children of God and are therefore family in the truest sense. No matter our race or ethnicity, this is Aloha and this is what our country and the world need. The mainstream media, propaganda, media and politicians, they want us to constantly focus on our skin color and the skin color of others because it helps them politically or financially,” she explained.

“Aloha means respect and love for others. It’s what enables us to see beyond our skin color and see the soul, the person with them,” Gabbard continued. “So, let’s do our best to cultivate this Aloha in our hearts and see and treat others through this prism of love, not through the prism of race and ethnicity.”

“Please let us not allow ourselves to be led down this dark and divisive path of racialism and hate.” (RELATED: Tulsi Gabbard Says Working In Washington Is ‘Like High School’)

In March 2020, Gabbard called out the hypocrisy of her own party on issues relating to sexism and women’s rights. Gabbard also slammed House Democrats in January after they passed new rules for using gender-neutral words, stating that they were “out of touch with reality.”